Friday, February 29, 2008

Get A Beautiful Beach Body - Tight Butt, Legs And Arms

You too can be hot and beautiful like the most luscious season on earth. The only problem is that there is not much time left to build your fine behind to the point that it is so worth watching as you walk away before the summer is over.
That's right, you know that you always look as people walk away, and be's not because you are lovingly sending them warm wishes, you are checking them out to see how much junk is in their trunk. And if that's not sneaky enough, you know that you compare it to yours. Come on, that's what we do. We live in a constant state of comparison, it's not healthy, it's not even practical, but the fact is, it's real.
So how do you refine your behind in a short time and tighten your upper body so that when you wave at your friends across the beach, the sagginess on the back of your arm doesn't wave in the breeze and create a giant wave.
Here is a great mini workout regime I put together for one of my music artists who had to shoot an album cover for her new release. She was in the studio putting the final touches on her CD and she got the call from hell. It was her manager telling her they had decided on the shoot location for her cover shot. It was to be on this spectacular island in a tropical paradise that most of us only dream of visiting when we win the lottery.
A few minutes later, I got the SOS (Shoot Only in my Skin) distress call. She had less than ten days to go from snackin' in the recording studio to looking sexy on the beach for a CD cover for the world to see!
I went to work and put together an instant toning workout schedule and combined it with my Low Glycemic Diet with Catabolic Foods. Hip Hop Cardio was a part of her workouts as well because it burns fat, helps you develop rhythm and confidence. You can do any cardio you like as long as you do some cardio every day to keep your metabolism up and burn stored body fat. Oh yes, and the instant tanning to give her the authentic island look. That came later after we made her arms, abs and behind look and feel tighter.
The key word is she felt tighter. You see when you feel good, you feel beautiful and when you feel beautiful you walk with more grace and confidence, which sends out great vibes that you love your beach body. That is the beginning of getting excited and inspired enough to continue on your program after the initial burst. All great changes happen from the inside out.
The Beautiful Beach Body Program
First of all, I love traditional training and I love how dance moves shape and tighten your body differently than many of the gym moves. Dancers have sleek long lean muscles and they move with pure grace. I like gym moves too in a long-term fitness program, dont' get me wrong... But, for this program I am taking you back to the beginning of women's body training movement. My signature Vertical Training and Power Shaping technique is the base for this workout.
Workout Accessories to Gather for Your Workout
Beach Towel - I personally have my clients lie on a beach towel because they are soft to touch on the skin which puts you in a wonderful mood.
Water Bottle - 8-16 ounces of water - Stay hydrated during your workout. Music - Get in the zone. Turn on some music that is upbeat, happy and makes you feel good. This will inspire you to stay with the workout for the entire duration. Picture - Find some inspiring magazine pictures that inspire you to train. Your mind sees pictures and then it drives you in the direction of your visualized desire. Beautiful Beach Body Circuit Isometric Training Techniques
1. Plies
2. Side Lying Leg Lifts
3. Girl's Push-ups
Move #1 - Plie's
Begin with Dancer's Plie's or and easier explanation. Wide Leg Stance Knee Bends
-A plie' is a bend of the knees. It is a foundational strength and stretch that ballet dancers practice. It is a specific exercise that tones and strengthens your entire lower body. The hips, butt, thighs, hamstrings and calves are all worked together. It is compounded power move that works wonders.
Learning to plié correctly is fundamental to proper training and getting that beautiful lower body you desire. Yet most people do it incorrectly, in that they sink down with legs, and then quickly return to a standing position.
Begin by standing in front of a mirror so that you can monitor your alignment. Face the mirror in a wide stance, which in dance is known as second position. Be careful that you are aligning your knees with your toes at all times. Pull your abdominals in as to get a sense that your navel is couching your spine. This is called hollowing your abdominal wall so that your are shaping and engaging them as well throughout the move.
Stand up straight so that you can feel a vertical line up and down the center of your body. Begin to lower your body weight toward the floor slowly with control to the count of four. Use your abdominal muscles, relax your back, and drop your tailbone. Be sure your body is centered over your feet, keep your heels down you lower your body down. Go only as low as you can comfortably go.
Now, press your feet into the floor making your muscles in your thighs and butt active. Hold for four isometric counts as you take deep breaths.
Then slowly press your feet into the floor and push yourself out of the plie' as you return to the starting standing position.
If you don't feel these muscular sensations, you're doing the plié too fast. Now, to the count of four, begin pressing upwards and focus on feeling resistance in all of your lower body muscles as you come out of the plié. As you perfect this move you can add various arm moves with light two to five pound hand weights. This is what I did with my artist. As she felt balanced and centered with the movement I added bicep curls with light hand weights.
I had her start with hands by her side behind her legs, as she lowered her body to the count of four, she drew her hands toward her upper shoulders and held it for the count of four as she was in the plie' isometrically and then lowered the weight as she pressed out of the plie. It was a great combination of upper and lower body movements that created a sensational feel and look to the muscles.
Move # 2 - Side Leg Lifts (2 versions)
Lie on one side on your beach towel. Side-lying exercises strengthen lateral leg muscles, tighten your outer thighs, narrow your hips and tighten the medial glutes.
Side-lying Leg Lifts:
Lie on your side on the floor. Place your upper body and head in a comfortable position. You lie all the way down, or lie with your hand supporting your head as long as you keep your head in alignment with your neck.
Keep your body in an extended position with your top leg straight and your bottom knee slightly bent to help balance your body. Place your top hand on the floor in front of your abdominals and contract your abdominals throughout the move.
Begin by squeezing your butt. Now to the count of four, slowly lift your upper leg towards the ceiling with the knees facing forward 45 degrees or to a height where you can feel the muscles tightening without strain to the hip joint and hold in an isometric (static) position for the count of four and then slowly lower back down.
Repeat for fifteen reps per side. Repeat each side for a total of three sets. Per side both inner and outer thigh muscles. As you get stronger, you add one to two pound ankle weights for more resistance.
Side Lying Inner Thigh Leg Lifts:
Lie on your side on the floor. Place your upper body and head in a comfortable position. Keep your body in an extended position with your legs resting on top of each other. Then, move bend your top leg and place the foot on the floor behind the bottom leg. Make sure there is enough room to allow the bottom leg to be lifted off the floor.
Contract your abdominals as to include them in your workout and to also help protect your spine and keep your back in a good stable position. Squeeze the inner thigh and slowly to the count of four lift the bottom leg approximately 12 to eighteen inches or as high as is comfortable for you to feel the inner thigh isolate and contract.
Hold for four counts and then lower your leg down to the starting position and repeat for a total of fifteen repetitions. One set is completed once both legs have performed the exercise for the prescribed number of reps on the workout! Be sure to breath deeply throughout the entire sequence.
Move #3 - Bent Knee Tricep Pushups.
This move works the back of your arms and chest and abs. Begin on your hands and knees with your hands resting under your shoulders.
Contract your abdominals and slowly lower your chest to the floor between your hands keeping your head and neck in alignment, lower down until your chest almost touches the floor and do not let your lower back sag, hold for two counts and slowly with control push yourself back up to your starting position.
Keep the body locked in a straight position as you return to the starting position. Breathe comfortably throughout the move. Repeat for total set of ten repetitions. Then rest for thirty seconds by sitting on your knees in a child's pose and then repeat for two more sets.
This is a powerful exercise and in the beginning you may only be able to do perform two reps with accuracy and control. But don't give up. It will get easier as you get stronger. It is a fantastic exercise for tightening the muscles in back of your arms and your chest muscles.
This move will make your stronger and tighter at the same time. That is a great combination of fitness results to have whether you are sunbathing or surfing.
Here's the Triceps Push up Breakdown...
On your hands and knees, contract your abdominals then to the count of four
Slowly lower your upper body down to the floor holding your elbows close to your side
Hold for a count of two (isometric contraction) and then push yourself back up to the starting position.
Repeat for a total of eight repetitions.
There you have it, a wonderful plan for your Beautiful Beach Body. You will feel long, lean and confident as you stroll along the beach. Beauty starts from the inside out. Don't wait start today feeling great about yourself but start building the best body ever now.
If you haven't already, go to my website and sign up for my weekly newsletter, there are so many amazing tips, great award winning workouts and lots of juicy stories about my training adventures. You will love the inspiration and who knows maybe you will be a star I get to train someday.
Oh, and by the way, the artist who I got the SOS distress call from looked absolutely gorgeous for her cover shoot. She was stunning in her birthday suit. She did not do a sleazy shot. She did a tasteful, elegant and soulful cover like Eve (as in Adam's wife) in a Genesis type shot. If I remember correctly, Eve did not wear anything in the garden either...
God Bless and make it the Best Week Ever!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

What You Really Need for Flat Abs

Achieving firm, flat abs is perhaps the most sought after exercise goal right now. Would you like to harden your abs and get that six-pack that everyone finds so attractive? Then read on and find out what you really need for flat abs.
Despite common opinion, exercising your abs is NOT the most important thing you need to do to get flat abs. There are a couple of aspects which go into great abs: dedication, hard work, and good genes. Obviously, you have no control over your genes, so you may need even more dedication and hard work.
The only way that you can get flat abs is to lose body fat. No matter how much ab strength training you do (crunches, leg raises, etc), you will not get that six-pack. Getting that six-pack is a two part step - strength training for muscle definition (crunches, bicycle, sit-ups), and weight loss for visibility. Your muscles hide beneath your fat, so even if you have really strong and worked abdominals, if you have a layer of fat covering them then you won't have that coveted six-pack.
So how do you get flat abs? There are three steps that you must perform for everything to come together.
Step 1: Regular cardio exercise. This is how you burn fat to expose your ab muscles. You should perform 30 - 45 minutes of cardio 3 - 4 non-consecutive times a week.
Step 2: Strength training. You must do this for your entire body, not just your abdominals. Remember, your abs are just like any other muscle in your body. Don't train them every day.
Step 3: Eat healthy. Limit your caloric consumption and go on a high fiber diet. Cut soda, coffee, fast food, and candy from your diet, and drink plenty of water.
These 3 steps that I just outlined to you, if followed, will help you on your way to achieving flat abs. Check out for more tips on how to get firm, flat abs.

Ultimate How to Get Ripped Guide

The fastest way to look muscular is to get lean. People with average muscle mass look great if they are cut. But nothing looks better than seeing the clean lines of hard muscle. The number one most popular fitness goal is chiseled abs, but really everything looks better when you're ripped. Here's how to do it.
First, let's define "ripped" in realistic terms. Anything at or less than 20% body fat will show definition very nicely. Doctors consider anything from 14-20% to be in the healthy range. But if you want abs to show through you have to be below 14%. I can tell you from experience the average, not obese person is between 25-30%, with fairly serious regular lifters in the 18-23% range, and serious ones in the 12-17% range. The real point here is that 5% one way or the other is a lot. Here's why: a 200 lb guy with 25% body fat has 50 lbs of fat. To get down to 20% body fat he must lose 13 lbs of ALL fat. Now he weighs 187 lbs with 37 lbs of fat. If this 13 lb loss is half fat and half muscle your fat percent is still 23%. So as you can see a 5% body fat reduction is hard to come by, unless you are losing ONLY FAT. There's the million dollar question. How do you lose only fat? Answer:
Very, very slowly.
They say you can lose two lbs a week of fat, without losing muscle mass. They are wrong. Millionaires with dieticians and chefs can. You and I can't. Unless you are either a millionaire or a professional body builder your goal is a pound of fat a week. Now there are many who will tell you that you can cut in 6-8 weeks, and they are right. Just be prepared to lose 50/50 fat to muscle, and to only eat 1000-1300 calories a day. No thanks.
The healthy correct way is to drop 500 calories a day from your current intake. Have as many of these 500 calories as possible come from processed carbs and sugars. Spread your remaining calorie intake evenly through the day (though a higher percent in the AM verses the PM speeds up fat loss) and finally a slow release (not whey, but milk, egg or soy) protein shake an hour before bed. This results in a 2% body fat loss. In 3 months your muscle mass will be the same and your body fat percent will have dropped enough to show it off!

How to gain muscle mass

Building mass and weight gain don't happen by accident. If you are reading this, then my guess is you're ready to change your body once and for all. For successful weight gain you need 3 things..
1. Motivation and planning 2. Diet 3. Exercises 4. Motivation
Sorry I mentioned 3 things but I have to list motivation twice. There'll be time when you'll not see results or very less results... but don't just give up in between, That's the worst thing you can do. An essential key to successful weight gain program is staying motivated throughout this process. Diet and training comes second.
If you're motivated, ready to shed your skinny image forever then here is few tips for you.
1. Planning for massive gains
First you have to decide what kind of results you want. Make it achievable. If you want to gain extra 30 pound of muscles in 1 yr... Its going to be really hard. I don't prefer using steroids or anything like that. I like building a body which is natural.
Second is chose your Gym. These days you'll find few high tech gyms who'll not allow you to lift free weights (especially those chain gyms like macD's). Leave those alone for grandma and cardio hippies.
The gym is to a bodybuilder as a studio is to an artist.
You cannot build exercises without lifting heavy weight so find an old gym with instructors who knows what they are doing...
If you want to train at home...
Weight training at home can give you convenient and quick workout without distractions provided you have all the tools necessary. I recommend having at least a bench and squat rack in your home gym.
2. Diet for your bodybuilding training.
It doesn't matter if your goal is losing weight or gaining weight, your diet plays important role. Without proper diet your chances are very low. You simply can't put on weight until you consistently supply the body with enough calories.
Mark Rippetoe author of starting strength suggests drinking 3-4 ltrs of milk every day while you are on weight gain program. According to him, this'll help you gain 10-12 pounds in no time. Well I know how good this is... but what about those who are not tolerant of milk and lactose. Actually this makes good point about feeding yourself properly.
In India, Old wrestlers used to drink litres of milk with almonds and dry fruits. They used to build massive body and strength using these tactics.
For exercising...
Use free weights for all heavy sets. Leave those machines for ladies... We don't want to go near them. Free weights are what you need for building great body. Lift heavy with free weights. It won't take you master machines in few days... but mastering a barbell is real challenge.
compound movements. Your bread and butter exercises are going to be compound exercises. You'll survive on heavy squats, dead lift, clean and press, bench press, inclines etc. You need to build overall strength in your muscles... hammer curls won't cut it for your training.

Bodybuilding Diet Tips For Endomorphs And Those Who Are Overweight

Endomorphs aren't built like the rest of us. They gain muscle poorly and they are very good at putting on fat. If you have been born with this genetic curse, you might believe that you are destined to wear that spare tire for life if you want to carry any real muscle. But this isn't true.
People with endomorph body types can gain just as much muscle as mesomorphs (naturally muscular people). And they can gain MORE muscle than ectomorphs (naturally skinny people). They just have to be extremely careful with both calories and fats in order to ensure they provide their bodies with enough calories to build and sustain new muscle, while adding little to no fat to their body. And since adding fat is what their bodies tend to do naturally, therein lies the challenge.
The key is simple - consume as few fats as possible. Also you will want to consume carbs only in the first meal of the day, plus in the pre- and post-workout meals. Here is a sample diet for endomorphs seeking to gain muscle weight while remaining lean:
Meal 1:
* 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal
* 6 oz (1 can) tuna
* 1 oz almonds
* 1 low-carb tortilla
* 1/8 cup fat free cheese
* 2 pieces extra lean turkey bacon
Meal 2:
* 1 oz almonds
* 6 oz chicken breast
Meal 3:
* 6 oz salmon
* 1 cup fresh broccoli
* 1/4 cup fat-free cheese
* 1.5 oz almonds
Meal 4 (pre-workout):
* 1 cup oatmeal
* 1 tbsp honey
* 1 tbsp oat bran
* 1 tbsp wheat bran
* 8 oz chicken breast
* 1.25 scoops Dymatize ISO-100 or GF-Pro
PPWO/Meal 5:
* 1 cup oatmeal
* 1 tbsp honey
* 1 tbsp oat bran
* 1 tbsp wheat bran
* 6 egg whites
* 2 whole eggs
* Peppers and onions
* 2 pieces extra lean bacon
Meal 6:
* 1 cup fat-free cottage cheese
* 1 scoop Isobolic or Ultrapeptide
* 1/2 tbsp safflower oil
* 1/2 oz almonds
Totals: About 3200 at a 40%/30%/30% split of P/C/F
As you can see, it's not a lot different form most bodybuilding diets. The key is to keep fats low, and focus carbs on those three key periods - breakfast, pre-, and post-workout meals. If you find you carry body fat easily and you wish to gain muscle, give this diet a try!

Important factors that affect your ability to loose weight

There are several reasons why many people try to loose weight but find it difficult. Most people believe it is a matter of just changing diets or buy into the latest exercise kit. Based on my research, i have explained some of the factors below.
Malnutrition This does not just mean food but nutrients. You are probably thinking if people are overweight how can they be malnourished? The simple answer is they are lacking in key vitamins and minerals the body craves for.
Much of the food we eat lacks the vitality that enhances our bodies therefore the body cries out to the brain to look for more sources of nutrients. However we in turn eat all the nutrient deficient foods that satisfy the craving for a while. Yet, a while later the body craves for nutrients, sends out the signals to the brain we reach for a snack and the cycle continues. This can occur several times a day. The final result is that we end up eating so much food that lacks the essentials minerals and vitamins and this is stored up that makes us fat.
Slow metabolism Another reason why many try to loose weight but find it difficult is slow metabolism. Metabolism basically means that certain organs and glands in the body which regulate how your body burns food for fuel and how it converts food into fat. These organs include the thyroid, pancreas, liver, stomach, colon and small and large intestines. If these organs are slow and sluggish then you have a slow metabolism. Those who have a slower metabolism have a harder time keeping of the pounds. That is why you can have someone eat a meal around 6PM and still eat again an hour later and still don't gain weight. While someone else would eat an average size meal and gain weight almost immediately.
Not enough sleep. A recent study at the University of Alabama prepared a report that looked at the potential contributors to the inability of people to loose weight. They found that sleep deprivation is one of the causes of obesity. When you sleep, at the right time your metabolism slows down to virtually nothing. The ideal time to sleep is between 10PM and 6AM. This is when the body is able to repair itself. You have to give it a kick-start when